

Hacking my Roomba

Robots are inherently interesting. Generally, they let you use programming to physically interact with the world around you. And we’ve all probably seen the Boston Dynamics robots running, jumping, doing flips, etc. What else is exciting (and slightly less terrifying)?…

Server side rendering vs Client side rendering

a cardboard box

Original dynamic websites relied heavily on server side rendering. There weren’t great ways to attack client side interaction besides issuing a new GET request. ActiveX and Flash started gaining traction as ways to make a highly interactive program on your…

Why does all code suck?


What does it take to write good code? Why can no one seem to write it well? You’ve probably had some ticket that you were working on where you had to decipher someone else’s code. Jumping between methods, classes, and…

How to separate concepts with MVC

stack of boxes

I interned at my first and current job. I was tasked with working on one of the internal tools that the team uses to manage various resources and assets for our platform. Being new to “corporate software development,” I was…

How to choose a Framework


There are so many frameworks to pick from when starting on a project. And what do you get when you search on which framework to use? Half the people say that framework A is bad and B is good, the…

Writing flexible code

tillable window panes representing expandable flexible code

Writing flexible code is a never ending battle between getting features out on time, keeping code readable, and making it expandable. It easy in crunch time to rush a feature and code things strictly to get the product out, but…